Choosing the Right Dental Implant Specialist in Denver: Key Considerations

Dental implants can significantly improve your oral health and add to the beauty of your smile, but only when they are done by the right dental specialist. A skilled dentist would successfully implant your tooth and make it last for years, and you most certainly can’t expect the same from amateurs.

Also, dental implants require quite a large budget. What would be the point of spending your cash if it doesn’t guarantee the best possible treatment?

Worry not, though. Finding an excellent dental implant in Denver isn’t rocket science. Just go through the considerations we’ve listed, and you are sure to land in the chamber of a dental implant expert.

Choosing the Right Dental Implant Specialist in Denver

Education and Organizations

While the qualifications alone cannot ensure the expertise of a dentist, they are the primary indicators of whether or not you should consider taking their consultation. All dentists have a general certification of dentistry but opt for the ones trained in the field of dental implants.

Start by learning about the following-

  • The institute from which the dentist got their dental implant training
  • The dentist’s association with dental implant organizations

If the dentist is a member of any reputed organizations like the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) or the American Board of Oral Implantology (ABOI), then it is a sign that you can rely on his/her skills and proficiency.


Unlike most other dental treatments, dental implants don’t follow ‘textbook’ methods. Every dental implant is different, demanding versatile skills and adapting to the necessities that arise during the procedure.

Thus, the most important attribute of a dental implant specialist is his/her experience. Ask these to understand their level of expertise-

  • For how long have you been doing dental implants?
  • How many dental implants have you done so far?
  • How many of it has been successful?
  • On average, how long do the implants done by you last?
  • Can you show me the before and after photos of clients who got their implants done by you?

Don’t shy away from asking for the testimonials of other clients. Look up online or on the dentist’s website to learn how the dentist has performed so far.

Techniques and technologies

The presence of advanced equipment in the dentist’s office is always a go sign. Pieces of modern equipment allow the dentist to efficiently diagnose the condition of your mouth.

Moreover, a dentist skilled in the use of diverse techniques and technologies is more likely to provide a smoother and comfortable procedure.

Convenience of the location

Dental implants usually require multiple sessions, including diagnosis, treatment planning, implanting, and follow-ups. So, choose a dentist who is located within a convenient distance, either from your home or your workplace.

This will also ensure that you can get a prompt response from the specialist in case of emergencies.

Cost and Treatment Plan

A proper dental implant will keep you worry-free about your oral health in the long run, but the initial cost of the implant is still quite huge. You’d want to get a deal as reasonable as possible. However, don’t go for a pricing that seems too cheap. Such pricing indicates a compromised quality of the service.

Make sure to ask for a detailed treatment plan from the dentist, including the cost breakdown of each step, such as the anesthesia, medications to use after the implant, whether or not any follow-ups will be required, etc. Be clear about the payment options and insurance policies.

Overall atmosphere

Pay special heed to your intuitions about the dentist’s office and their manners. A clean, tidy, and germ-free office is a must for choosing the implant provider. The cleanliness of the tools and equipment is also crucial. Repeatedly using the same mouth mirror or syringe on multiple people without cleaning is not only gross but also risky in terms of spreading diseases.

Finally, choose a dentist who is happy to aid you throughout the implantation process. You obviously can’t put your trust in an implant specialist who is wary of providing clear-cut answers to your questions, no matter how skilled or reputed the person might be.

The mannerisms of the dentist, receptionist, and everyone in the office will matter a lot to you during and after the implantation. So, try to get an insight into it during your consultation visits.